Board Elections
2025 board elections timeline
The board of the WCA is comprised of elected individuals who serve three-year terms. Terms are staggered such that every year 3 seats are up for election. You must be a member of the WCA to vote in an election.
Important Dates for the 2025 Cycle
Jan 1 - 17: Nominations due to Nominate yourself or someone else!
Jan 20: Nominees contacted to accept or decline
Jan 27: Announce Candidates Nominees will need to submit a photo, pronoun, brief bio, and share why they want to be on the board and what they can contribute to Wisconsin’s outdoor climbing community.
Feb 6 @ 7:00 p.m.: Annual meeting with candidate introductions
Annual Meeting Link: coming soon!
Feb 6 - 16: Voting window Must be a WCA member to cast your ballot!
Feb 17: New board members contacted
If you are considering nominating someone or yourself, please review our board of directors information packet to understand what being a board member entails. With any questions about what it means to be on the WCA board, just ask!