Board Elections


2025 board elections timeline

The board of the WCA is comprised of elected individuals who serve three-year terms. Terms are staggered such that every year 3 seats are up for election. You must be a member of the WCA to vote in an election.

Important Dates for the 2025 Cycle

Feb 6 @ 7:30 p.m.: Annual meeting with candidate introductions
Join the Annual Meeting via Zoom!

Feb 6 - 16: Voting window Must be a WCA member to cast your ballot! Not sure on your membership status? We can check!

Feb 17: New board members contacted

If you are considering nominating someone or yourself, please review our board of directors information packet to understand what being a board member entails. With any questions about what it means to be on the WCA board, just ask!

2025 Board Nominees

Dr. Glenn Alan Poole (he/they)

Glenn is an assessment researcher and avid adventurer. Originally from Florida, Glenn first started climbing outdoors after moving to Madison, WI for a PhD program in educational policy. His early experiences at Devil's Lake (and Joshua Tree) inspired him to invest in learning to sport climb and, eventually, lead routes with traditional protection. Glenn is now working toward an AMGA Single Pitch Instructor certification and the goal to lead 400 different trad pitches by their 40th birthday.

I am running for a seat on the WCA Board because I believe in investing in the growth and sustainability of our community. Having previously served as a board member and president of a nonprofit with about 3,000 members, and further having worked for multiple small and medium-sized nonprofits, I have experience planning events, liaising with local officials, and navigating governance in small organizations. I would be proud to bring this experience to support the WCA in its mission.

Favorite crag snack: guacamole

Casey Wong (She/Her)

I’ve been climbing on and off since 2019, but it’s only been in the last year that I’ve really dove in. Joining communities like Madison Climbers of Color has been a highlight, especially since my first outdoor trip to Devil’s Lake—I was immediately hooked! After that, I climbed in Joshua Tree with friends and developed a deeper interest in trad climbing. The beauty of the outdoors also pushed me to want to get involved in sustainability efforts through groups like the WCA. Right now, I’m a third-year grad student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Climbing and being outdoors have become a huge part of my life, and my involvement with Madison Climbers of Color has only deepened my love for the sport and nature. I've met so many amazing people along the way who have truly enriched my life, and I want to help share that joy with others while building an inclusive, welcoming community. I believe in the WCA’s mission to break down barriers to outdoor activities and promote stewardship, and I want to be part of that. I can contribute by helping with social media, event planning, and poster design, and as an international student without my own transportation, I understand firsthand how accessibility can be a challenge. I’d love to bring that perspective to help make our events more inclusive for everyone.

Favorite crag snack: I really like white chocolate macadamia clif bars. 

Burt Lindquist (He/Him)

Hello. I am Burt.

I am a Wisconsin native, who has been climbing in this state since the 1970s and many other places through the rest of my years.

Born in Superior,WI in 1962, raised and schooled through college in Eau Claire, WI, then moved for job to Madison area 36 years ago. Yup... I still have the same job, all these years later, working as a
Photogrammetrist for an engineering firm. I have a fraternal twin
brother name Tony. Tony and I started climbing with our other close
buddies when we were 13 years old. We were self taught at the
start but did pick up much needed mentors along the way. I first led
“The Durrance Route” on Devil’s Tower when I was 15 years old. I
started ice climbing my first year in college in the year 1980. Yup...
straight shaft tools of differing sizes, strap on crampons, dachstein
mittens, and no helmets. Ha! Your secret spot in the sate to climb?
I have probably climbed there 30+ years ago (but your secret is
safe). I have been happily married to Laurie for 40 years and am a
father of two lovely daughters and grandpa to three great grandkids.
I like old air cooled Volkswagens and spinning vinyl on my turntable.
I am an avid road and mountain biker.

My history with the WCA is I stepped into a unfilled position two +
years ago with the support of the existing board members. I took on
a Stewardship role at first then second position as Treasurer when
that came up as a “needed to be filled” position. This is my first
“go-around” trying to make it through the official WCA Board
Member voting process. It’s all good and fantastic really. I love
taking on and doing the WCA sanctioned “erosion control” projects
i.e. step and trail building and maintenance and I love to go after the
“graffiti removal” projects with a passion. It just feels so good to
clear that offensive stuff away and restore nature to it’s previous
state. I love meeting and working with all the volunteer folks who
step up to help. It is a real great feeling to see smiles on folks faces
after completing all this kind of work. The pride shines through!
I like to pop those green colored hard candies in my mouth when I am out climbing.