Boulder Bash
Save the date for our annual bouldering competition at Governor Dodge State Park!
Save the date for our annual bouldering competition at Governor Dodge State Park!
Ballots coming soon! Watch your email!
You must be a member to vote. Join today! If you’re unsure of your membership status, reach out - we’ll check! Email info@wiclimbers.com. Thanks!
Join us for our annual membership meeting! Hear what we did in 2024 and meet the board candidates.
Join us via Zoom:
Members and prospective members are welcome to join!
Join the Wisconsin Climbers Association for our fall outdoor climbing competition, Boulder Bash! Held annually at Governor Dodge State Park (map), this event is perfect for boulderers of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor climber or looking to try outdoor climbing for the first time, Boulder Bash has something for everyone.
This competition brings together climbers from all over the Midwest to compete and connect with one another. The atmosphere is electric, with climbers pushing their limits and cheering each other on.
Check out our video from the 2018 competition to see what Boulder Bash is all about, and mark your calendars for this year's event.
Camping is available. Plan to stay over — we have some exciting celebrations planned for this year!
We can't wait to climb with you!
Read more and sign up as an individual, adult team, kids team, or volunteer!
Save the date for the annual climbing weekend sponsored by the American Alpine Club!
Join WCA on Saturday, Aug. 24 for our annual stewardship event. Plus, stop by our table for a chance to win prizes and compete in a Masskrugstammen competition!
Learn more and register at https://americanalpineclub.org/devils-lake-cc.
Stewardship info:
Join the WCA on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. for trail work and cleanup at Devil’s Lake State Park. The first day of the WCA’s erosion control and step building at two sites below the East Bluff East Rampart project. The first site would be just below the "Pedestal Buttress" and the climbing route "Pine Box". This would be a new site that is in need of attention due to erosion from climber foot traffic. The second site would involve the continuation of efforts made to reduce soil erosion at a high traffic site just below the "Leaning Tower Gully". Both of these project sites would include efforts being made to transport by hand individual 5 gallon buckets of gravel from the pile site along the upper access road to the project site as well as moving large rocks via the use of "rock slings" in 5-8 person teams from various locations nearby the high erosion sites.
Join us for our first virtual forum Wednesday, June 5 at 7 pm!
Tune in to Zoom to hear more about what the WCA is doing with the Wisconsin DNR.
Hear about the role of the DNR and climbing, what we're doing with the DNR, and how you can get involved. Bring your questions.
Join the Zoom meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday.
If you can't join the meeting live, we'll record it and share on our website.
Join the WCA Board of Directors for an Annual Meeting! Hear about what we’ve been doing this year and what is on tap for 2024.
You’ll also meet candidates for the WCA board. Voting opens after the meeting. Three seats are open for 2024. Read more about the candidates.
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/anz-huxy-dmw
Or dial: (US) +1 413-418-2556 PIN: 336 757 154#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/anz-huxy-dmw?pin=4771326283556
WCA Board of Directors elections are coming up! If you’re interested in giving back to the climbing community, consider running for our board! Nominate yourself or another climber between January 15 and 22. Email info@wiclimbers.com with a name and contact info for any candidates.
Join the American Alpine Club for their annual Craggin' Classic, a three-day grassroots climbing festival at Devil's Lake. Get ready to be inspired by visiting pro climbers and engage in clinics led by professional climbers and guides on a wide range of topics, from intro to climbing to self-rescue and beyond.
As a part of this festival, you'll also have the chance to join the Wisconsin Climber's Association and become a member of our passionate and welcoming community of climbers. Learn about what we do for climbing in Wisconsin and how you can get involved in stewardship projects and other initiatives.
Don't miss the chance to score great deals in the silent auction, dance to live music, and indulge in delicious local food trucks and free beer. What really sets this event apart is the amazing community of passionate and friendly folks who come together to celebrate their shared love of climbing. Rain or shine, it's sure to be an unforgettable weekend.
Finish off the festival by helping the WCA on a stewardship project on Sunday. More details and a signup coming soon. See you at Devil's Lake!
Join us at this quiet climbing crag to spend a fall morning cleaning graffiti off of the sandstone Owens Rock, at the DNR's Leola Marsh property in the Central Sand Plains.
Continue on to Necedah or Hillbilly Hollow for climbing after. You are also welcome to camp with us at Petenwell County Park, Friday and/or Saturday night. Camping is free.
Sponsored by Beta Bust! A weekend of climbing and camping that is a safe space for transgender, cis, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folks who feel comfortable in spaces that center around the experiences of women.
Enjoy the beauty of Devil's Lake, learn key skills, share stories around the campfire, and climb with folks from all around the Midwest. Learn more…
Join the Wisconsin Climbers Association for an exciting event this fall - Boulder Bash! Held annually at Governor Dodge State Park, this event is perfect for boulderers of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor climber or looking to try outdoor climbing for the first time, Boulder Bash has something for everyone.
This competition brings together climbers from all over the Midwest to compete and connect with one another. The atmosphere is electric, with climbers pushing their limits and cheering each other on.
Don't miss out on this amazing event! Check out our video from the 2018 competition to see what Boulder Bash is all about, and mark your calendars for this year's event. We can't wait to climb with you!
If you’d like to check out some awesome photos from 2021, check out the following links:
Join Devils Lake Climbing Guides' crew of femme+ instructors for an all-inclusive, weekend-long event that gathers folks around the crag and campfire for learning, connection, and growth. WCW includes two full-day clinics of your choice, camping, stellar food, and evening events hosted by DLCG's own femme+ instructor team.
The clinics offer specific curricula to gather around and organize ourselves, but the sum is always more than its parts. There is something indescribably awesome about bonding and learning with other women in a safe, inclusive environment. This event is intended for folks that identify as woman, femme, nonbinary, or genderqueer; and we welcome all ability levels and body types. Learn more on the Women's Climbing Weekend website.
The Wisconsin Climber's Association (WCA) is excited to announce that they will have a membership table set up at the CCC Trail Parking Lot. The WCA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting climbing in Wisconsin through education, access, and environmental stewardship. At the membership table, visitors can speak with WCA members, sign up for membership, and ask questions about what the organization does for climbing in Wisconsin. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in climbing to learn more about the sport and how they can get involved. The WCA members will be happy to share their experiences and knowledge about climbing, as well as provide information on upcoming events and projects. If you are interested in climbing in Wisconsin, be sure to stop by the WCA membership table at the CCC Trail Parking Lot.
The Wisconsin Climber's Association (WCA) is excited to announce that they will have a membership table set up at the CCC Trail Parking Lot. The WCA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting climbing in Wisconsin through education, access, and environmental stewardship. At the membership table, visitors can speak with WCA members, sign up for membership, and ask questions about what the organization does for climbing in Wisconsin. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in climbing to learn more about the sport and how they can get involved. The WCA members will be happy to share their experiences and knowledge about climbing, as well as provide information on upcoming events and projects. If you are interested in climbing in Wisconsin, be sure to stop by the WCA membership table at the CCC Trail Parking Lot.
Attention climbers! The Wisconsin Climber's Association is excited to announce a night of camping at Devil's Lake State Park on June 24th at group campsite G8 as part of the Altay Classic. Bring your tent and gear and spend the weekend climbing with other outdoor enthusiasts. This is the perfect opportunity to explore one of Wisconsin's most scenic state parks and take advantage of the amazing climbing opportunities it has to offer, like the Altay Classic which is happening THE SAME DAY!
Sign up through our website SOON. Whether you're a member or non-member, you'll only pay $10 for a night of camping. Receive a discount when you sign-up for the Altay Classic and the night of camping.
Looking to boulder? That’s alright, too! Boulder during the day, celebrate the Altay competitors, and camp out with us at night for the after party. If you don't have a crash pad, don't worry - you can rent one from the WCA. Learn more about our pad rentals at https://www.wiclimbers.com/pad-rental.
Don't miss out on this fun weekend of climbing and camping! This is a great chance to meet other climbers and explore one of the best climbing destinations in the state. Space is limited, so make sure to sign up early to secure your spot. We can't wait to see you there!
The WCA is excited about the fifth year of the Altay Classic. Named after the late Erol Altay, this event is unlike any other. In 2023, we will have a top rope category as well as the original trad climbing challenge. The Altay is back to a single-day event on June 24, 2023!
In addition to the Altay, we also have a Quartzite Bouldering Tour AND camping at campsite G8! Camping spots are limited, so be sure to reserve yours when you register!
The competition starts at 9 am at the CCC parking lot. Pick up your scorecard from 8:30 - 9 am from our table at the CCC lot.
Sign up today! Use this link to register for the Altay Classic Competition, Quartzite Bouldering Tour, and camping.
Registration is available the day of the competition for any walk-ups for $35. There are no gender-separated categories for this event.
$25- Just competing
$10 - Just camping
$30 - Competing + Camping
WCA members can use the promo code "WCAMember" to get $5 off any ticket. This is on the honor system. Contact us if you'd like to check your status or go to https://donorbox.org/wca-join to renew or join the WCA.
Join us at the Interstate Park Climbing and Stewardship Event for a weekend of adventure, conservation, and community. This unique gathering brings climbers from various organizations together to climb, participate in stewardship projects, and connect with like-minded individuals. Explore the stunning landscapes, tackle challenging routes, and contribute to preserving the park's beauty through environmental initiatives. With engaging presentations, cozy campfire gatherings, and ample free time, this event promises an inclusive and unforgettable experience for climbers of all skill levels. Come and be a part of this exciting event at West Pines Campsite, where passion for climbing and environmental stewardship converge. Learn more…
The Wisconsin Climber's Association (WCA) is excited to announce that they will have a membership table set up at the CCC Trail Parking Lot. The WCA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting climbing in Wisconsin through education, access, and environmental stewardship. At the membership table, visitors can speak with WCA members, sign up for membership, and ask questions about what the organization does for climbing in Wisconsin. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in climbing to learn more about the sport and how they can get involved. The WCA members will be happy to share their experiences and knowledge about climbing, as well as provide information on upcoming events and projects. If you are interested in climbing in Wisconsin, be sure to stop by the WCA membership table at the CCC Trail Parking Lot.
Madison Woman Climbers are hosting the third annual garlic mustard pull at Devil's Lake State Park in collaboration with the DNR. They will be identifying and removing garlic mustard, an invasive plant species, from areas around Devil's Lake. This event is open to partners, friends, and family members of the MWC, but please register them so they can have an accurate headcount! Learn more…
Come camp with us! We have group campsite G9 booked and you can join us. It’s $10 person, for both WCA members and non-members. Bring your own tent and camping gear. Climb during the day, debrief with fellow climbers in the evening. Sign-up here.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Working on steps between Leaning Tower Gully and Hawk’s Nest
Working on steps between Leaning Tower Gully and Hawk’s Nest
Working on steps between Leaning Tower Gully and Hwak’s Nest
Join the Wisconsin Climbers Association at Governor Dodge State Park on September 17, 2022 for a day of climbing, camping, camaraderie and fun.
All levels of climbers are welcome - whether you're a seasoned outdoor climber or looking for a fun first time outside, Boulder Bash has something for every climber. This competition includes an optional tour component where you / your team will be guided to all of the best bouldering areas in Governor Dodge and receive LOTS of crash pads, spotters, and support!
All proceeds benefit the non-profit Wisconsin Climbers Association.
Check out this video from our 2018 competition to see what Boulder Bash is all about.
The rain date for this event is September 18th.
Clear encroaching brush, block unsustainable “shortcut” trail.
Details and sign up
The Wisconsin Climbers Association is excited to once again be hosting the Devils Lake Bouldering Competition, now named the Quartzite Crush. With Recreational, Intermediate, Open, and Team divisions, this comp has something for everyone. Join us on Saturday, April 23, 2022 with your friends, some pads, and the psych!
Full details can be found by clicking the sign-up
Meet at the new Qual Wall parking lot.
This session will focus on planting trees around the new Equestrian group camp site, which also provides space for climbers to park for Qual Wall. For details, contact Adam, Adam {at} wiclimbers.com.
The Wisconsin Climbers Association proudly brings back The Altay Classic for the fourth year. Named after the late Erol Altay, this event is unlike any other. For 2022, we will be adding a top rope category and maintaining the traditional, trad climbing challenge. You get to choose how you want to try to finish as many routes as you can over the course of two weeks. Score cards open on April 9th and must be turned in by the end of the day as the competition wraps up on Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Full details can be found by clicking the sign-up.